Tuesday, 22 April 2008

New Berocca TV spot.

now, i know that plagiarism is the sincerest form of art and all that, but this new TV ad for berocca takes the absolute biscuit:

now check this video out ('here it goes again' by 'ok go'):

i mean, come on? it's not just me is it? that's a joke.


jon harrison said...

i know everyone says there's no such thing as an original idea etc. but this is ridiculous. we really don't do ourselves any favours in this industry with stuff like this. and what was the client thinking? it's not as if the video is an unknown thing, i think i saw it on the paul o' grady show for crying out loud. how many people had a hand in this being made? surely one of you at some poit must have said 'hold on a second, we can't, can we?'

Steve Price said...

Apparently it's the work of JWT!!! http://www.utalkmarketing.com/Pages/CreativeShowcase.aspx?ArticleID=4961&Filter=0&Keywords=&Order=LATEST&Page=1&Title=Berocca_'You,_but_on_a_really_good_day'