Saturday, 31 October 2009

The Godfather

If you know anything about the history of advertising, you'll know only one man has had the title of 'Godfather' on his business card. This is his website showing some of the great thinking that earned him that title. As you'd expect, the copy is excellent and the arguments compelling but what surprised me was some of the art direction is quite simply divine. Why I should be surprised by the genius of the man, quite simply, well err, surprises me.
If you're interested in the slightest about how to converse with people in print, take a look.
Thanks to Steve's website for pointing out its existence.

Wednesday, 28 October 2009

Google, a short history.

Google has become such an integral part of all our lives but how did it happen?

Monday, 26 October 2009

Happy Birthday to the banner ad

Today (27th October) marks the 15th birthday of the banner ad. Read all about it here.
Scary to think how far this industry has come and how it has impacted on all our lives in a such a short period of time. I mean, in 1994, i'd just got my first job as a junior art director at an ad agency called Wallis Tomlinson and none of this could have possibly been imagined.
I didn't even get a computer until 1999 and even then, I had to share it with my copywriter (fellow Unsuitable and One Black Bear geezer, Rich Elwell), we got a laptop (blue clamshell mac, with the little handbag handle) so that we could pass it across the desk to each other. We took it in turns to take it home, not sure why as neither of us had a home internet connection until well into the new millennium.
How times change. To think, i've only had a laptop for ten years and I now watch more TV on it than the actual telly itself.

Saturday, 24 October 2009

Burn your portfolio

Jon Harrison: Burn your portfolio from B-Hive Creative on Vimeo.

Here's some advice for wannabe ad creatives and designers. Recorded for the B-Hive site.

TV reel added to YouTube

Due to popular demand (okay, one potential client wanting to see our reel) we've finally got round to putting our reel on YouTube.
See it here.

Wednesday, 7 October 2009

Monday, 5 October 2009

the local

i was having a mooch around more canals than venice when i found this image of our friday boozer, the old crown. the pic is from c.1857 but the pub dates back to 1368.
if you look closely though you'll see the fashions haven't changed much, especially when rich joins us down there.