Wednesday, 20 May 2009

The agony of the post pitch wait.

Don't know why (after all these years) I still struggle in the days and sometimes weeks after a pitch to settle down properly. Having taken part in what must be 200+ pitches in my career to date it's the bit of the job I hate. I love pitches, absolutely love 'em. The thrill of the chase, the interrogation of everything, the late nights, the arguments and not forgetting the pizza. But the waiting for the phone call (or more likely email in today's rude society) is agony and it's not getting any easier as I get older.
Take today, the day after a pitch that we'd really like to win (like nearly all of them). I'm on edge, tetchy and argumentative (even more than usual). I've got loads of work to do and at least two of the briefs on my desk are for new business, so it's not as if I haven't got anything to take my mind off it.
Does anyone else out there suffer post pitch blues or is it just me?
How do you switch off from what has gone and concentrate on what is to come?

1 comment:

jon harrison said...

well, the wait is over. we got the business. i think the words i'm looking for a r 'woo' and 'hoo'.
i'm so happy about this even though i've been promising myself not to get so 'rollercoaster' when it comes to emotions. but what the hell, sod it, there's too much misery around at the moment to not enjoy the good times.