Me? Steve Price of Unsuitable & One Black Bear? Chairman of PACE? With my reputation?
Well, age and fatherhood has certainly (slightly) mellowed my social antics of late but it's with the greatest of pride and pleasure that I take the helm of this grand old institution. It's certainly been an ever-present in my career to date. The PACE Christmas Lunches of years gone by being the stuff of legend in the depth and breadth of their debauchery!
But being involved in the organisation for the past few years has made me realise what a good thing PACE is and an initiative that deserves to be preserved as the world around it continues to turn itself inside-out.
I’m allowed to chair PACE for two years and you won’t find me trying to turn it into something it’s not. For me, PACE is about three things:
Networking, Enjoyment and Altruism.
My own network has been significantly broadened - with significant business gained in the process - since I got involved and I’ve certainly had a lot of fun. The charitable side of PACE, however, is something that is often overlooked with many thousands of pounds being raised for worthy local causes each year and not a penny profit made by anyone involved.
The perception of the creative industries is often a cynical one, and those of us plying our trade in advertising still suffer the red braces ‘greed is good’ stigma from the 80s. I, for one, take a great deal of pride in ‘giving something back’. Warren Buffett levels of philanthropy it isn’t, but it’s gratifying to do what you can for good causes and supporting PACE and its charities by attending an event is about as easy as it gets.
*polishes halo*
Now... have I talked to you about membership???