Tuesday, 29 June 2010

Ooh we are flattered.

Back in the 90's (when everything was brilliant) we did an ad (press and poster) to launch the Subaru Forester Turbo. Simple idea, as this was an offroad vehicle that went very fast we put a speed camera on a forest trail. We won loads of awards with it both here and in the states and it appeared in quite a few books and journals as well as making the cover of a Contact (Automotive photographers) book.
Everybody was happy, especially us, as this lead to quite a nice pay rise and bonus.
Now, ten years on and with the help of a couple of students (Matt & James - very good by the way) here on placement and that thing they call the internet we've found quite a few other people who liked the ad too.
Named and shamed, they are: McKee Wallwork (USA) with their work for Porsche; Ogilvy & Mather (Austria) with an ad for Ford; Gramm Werbeagentur (Germany) for Range Rover and most recently Saatchi & Saatchi (Australia) with an idea for Toyota.
So, pure coincidence or a little plagiarism? Whichever, we're just proud to have had an idea all those years ago that seems to have gone on to win so many awards around the world and worked hard in shifting product for so many different brands.

Original links from here.

Monday, 14 June 2010

Hospital work gets picked up by the Birmingham Post.

If you click here, you may also see the online ads in action. They're the one's with the plasters on. Click here to see the posters etc.

Monday, 7 June 2010

Hospital work gets coverage on The Drum

Read about it here. See it in situ here.

Unsuitable win a Heist Award

We're proud to announce that we've won a Heist award for our BCU work in the 'Best Integrated Campaign' category. Rich and Steve joined the BCU marketing department at the Palace Hotel in Manchester to collect the award and have a few celebratory drinks.