Tuesday, 23 June 2009

When your phone goes pop

Sonic the Hedgehog is 18 today

Thanks to a tweet by @cybrum and a blog post by the Guardian, I've found out that the little blue spikemeister is 18 today. Makes you think, what were you doing on June 23rd 1991? I was putting the finishing touches to my BTEC ND in graphic design at Rotherham College of Arts and Technology, I think. The memory ain't quite what it used to be.

Tuesday, 16 June 2009

Unsuitable gets a bit of bling from bing

Following my post a couple of weeks back on the launch day of Microsoft's bling 'Don't have a fling with bing' can I quickly reassess my earlier thoughts. Just done a search today and we're now top, numero uno, the daddy when it comes to searching for 'unsuitable'. woohoo, didn't take them long to find us and you can now find us even quicker whether you use bing or auntie google.

Stand by your 'tuter.

Online advertising will account for over a third (36%) of all adspend by 2013, according to the PricewaterhouseCoopers Entertainment & Media Outlook. Group M, which predicts that online adspend (which, in 2008, accounted for 24.8%) will eclipse TV (26%) this year.

Monday, 15 June 2009

Friday, 12 June 2009

Monday, 8 June 2009

Scamp has scampered off

Sad day today as one of my favourite bloggers has decided to hang up his opinions to concentrate on writing a book. Good luck with it Simon.

Thursday, 4 June 2009

Knuckleheads And Geniuses

Just read this from The Ad Contrarian. More or less sums up why I love and hate this job in equal measure. Well, maybe the love bit wins out. One thing, it's never dull.

Wednesday, 3 June 2009

Google Earth, Flickr and Twitter combine to show the world the smallest park in the UK

Prince's Park in Burntwood (round the corner from where I live) is tiny - three trees and a bench to be exact. Not very interesting I know. But I posted some pics on flickr and Google Sightseeing picked up on it. Hey presto, one tweet from them and views of the park rocket.

Monday, 1 June 2009

Boone Oakley

Steve found this and although it's not really in our nature to promote another agency, this is worth us breaking with protocol. Brilliant, just brilliant. Word of warning: if you're a male Marketing Director who looks like an egg, there's some disturbing scenes.

Don't have a fling with BING

Well, Microsoft have launched their rival to the mighty Google: BING (Because It's Not Google). Well, knowing that we come No.1 in the global search term for our agency name "Unsuitable" I thought I'd try out BING. Well, the results were disappointing to say the least. We didn't feature on the first 100 pages. So, although we should all welcome the millions of dollars that Microsoft are going to throw at this, I, for the time being, am sticking with Google.